Romantic Ideas

August 7, 2007 at 4:36 pm (beach, dates, gesture, ideas, love, romance, roses, smart, sunsets)

well here are a few romantic ideas i remember

*Make a little loving gesture every day for one full year.

*Walk on the beach in the moonlight.

*Put a note in a romance novel saying, “The story is great but our own love story is the best”

*Get every movie starring your lovers favorite actor.

*Make love to him/her every night until he/she asks you to stop.

*Give him/her twelve dozen roses on all their special days.

*Listen to a romantic audio tape, fix a cup of hot flavored tea, and light two candles.

*Write a list of 50 or more things you like or love about your sweethear

*Unplug the TV set. Put a note on the screen saying, “Turn Me on Instead”.

*Look straight into the eyes of your love and PAY ATTENTION to what they tell you! Tell your mate something about you that no one else knows.

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